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28 Apr 2022

Designing efficiency

When coding, we essentially have a goal in mind, creating something using lines of code. To many people it may seem like a puzzle, like a rubix cube, but each puzzle has a pattern along with it. Design patterns are solutions to the general problems developers come across. Decades of trial and error has brought out these solutions, like it always has in the field of science. Coding can be confusing so every help possible brings developers closer to the end product they are working on. Design patterns help with efficiency and are useful to everyone from beginners to veterans.

After all this time

Throughout the semester we were unknowingly using design patterns in our code. Each assignment done there was some sort of design pattern, and we will continue to do so. As we are working on our final project, we continued to create different components to make our project better. It is important for every coder to have design patterns so that people like myself and more to come to find and use them for the projects we will do in the future.