Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork

15 Dec 2022


Over the semester of ICS 414, I experienced many things. Developing an app wasn’t new to me, but developing one for an actual customer was challenging. You never know just how much you need to do until you first meet with them and they bring out their expectations. Having experienced a real-life scenario, I can say that it is not easy and sometimes expectations can be unrealistic or highly demanding. The most you can do is push out the best thing you can bring out.


A team can make or break how an application will result in. Everyone has their own lives and it can be difficult to check up on everyone and see how everything is going for their end. Everyone also has their own way of doing work. That can be either completing everything early, or waiting till the end to finish their part of the work. Someone’s work could be dependent on another person’s work, and if they don’t finish or do their work then you could be at a standstill. It’s always best to find something else to work on when that is the case as there is always something to create or even improve in an application.