U See What I Made

24 Feb 2022

There are millions of websites throughout the web. There are websites that look nice and professional, and there are also those that don’t look as good. You can tell which ones have had a lot of effort made into making the sites. After experiencing making websites, I can tell that it is not easy to make websites. However, when you learn Semantic UI, it makes creating websites so much easier. Semantic UI takes away the complications of creating websites and it doesn’t put any restrictions to your builds. What makes it better is that it works well with other formats like css. The challenging part of Semantic UI is that it can be overwhelming at first and sometimes you’re not sure of what to use and how to use certain items. For example, I was confused on UI containers, but once I kept using and adding it to my html, I eventually got the hang of it. Just like all difficult things, it’s hard to use at first but the more you use it the easier it will be.

When we did the Practice WOD on Tuesday to recreate Murphy’s website, my partner and I had a lot of difficulty with it. We barely even got close to recreating the website. I didn’t have a good understanding of any Semantic UI classes and often had to look back into the notes. We spent almost all of class time and didn’t go far. However, after going through and practicing Semantic UI, this changed during the WOD on Thursday. I found it a lot easier to recreate the website and even finished the WOD in about 15 minutes. To me, Semantic UI is a good thing to have if you ever want to create your own website.