
For ICS 212 we had a project where we had to make a database that we could access through the command line. The interface was supposed to save, rename, look up, and delete records that we chose by typing the name into the system. This was a 2 part project where the first one we wrote in C and the second we translated the code we wrote in C to C++. I found this project quite difficult due to the syntax of C/C++ and I spent many days troubleshooting my project to get things to work.

Some things I learned from this project is to not try and tackle everything at once. We had to create numerous functions and I kept doing each one all together which led to me being disorganized and spending more time than I should’ve on the project. It is better break a big project like this to smaller parts so that not only it will be less overwhelming, but it also allows it to be easier to work on. This project also showed me how different parts of the code help each other out. One example is when I want to delete a record, I would call on another function called find record in order to make sure that record existed. This project showed me how fun but frustrating coding could be but you just gotta keep going to get it done. Overall this project showed me the challenges of C/C++ as well as some of the differences between the two languages